Kandahar attack which killed UAE officials planned in Pakistan: Afghan official

Source: ET

A senior UAE police official held the Afghan government responsible for the deadly bombing in Kandahar which on January 10 killed five UAE diplomats and injured its ambassador. The blast had occurred inside the Kandahar governor’s high-security guest house where the UAE diplomats, including Ambassador Juma Mohammed Abdullah Al Kaabi, gathered for dinner.

 Afghan intelligence officials said their investigations shed light on the increasing links of some madrassas in Pakistan with Afghan Taliban. VOA’s report claimed thirty thousand madrassas operate across Pakistan, most of them legal and adhering strictly to religious teaching, the report said. “But thousands of them are not registered with the government and are teaching grounds and recruiting points for militants and Taliban, according to Pakistan and Afghan intelligence officials,” it added.Balochistan Home Minister Sarfaraz Bugti has claimed thousands of Afghan Taliban are studying in seminaries across the province.“There are many seminaries where Afghan Taliban are studying, and many are owned by the Afghan Taliban group,” Bugti said while speaking to Voice of America’s Deewa service.





Categories: Afghanistan, Asia, Pakistan

1 reply

  1. Those labeling blame to neighboring countries should ponder and give any example where innocent children are sent to religious madrassahs. In fact here lies the crux of the problem which neither military brass or civil elite wants to address. All reasonable developing countries put the children first to school for basic education up to 10 to 13 years and then, as pr aptitude, are sent to various professional or higher education institutions. Same should be criteria for religious education. Let the innocent children first to get the mandatory general education and then should have liberty to decided from where and in which field to get higher education.
    There is no justification to enroll upcoming children in religious seminaries of Pakistan. Millions of dollars are funneled to these seminaries to promote specific religious thoughts and doctrines promoting extremism and terrorism. For God sake try to understand the root cause of the problem and eliminate these factories producing extremists each day.

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