Swiss ease citizenship rules for young immigrants


FEB 12, 2017 – 
It took four nationwide votes since the 1980s to ease the strict citizenship procedure for third generation immigrants 
It took four nationwide votes since the 1980s to ease the strict citizenship procedure for third generation immigrants


Voters have endorsed a proposal to simplify the citizenship procedure for immigrants whose grandparents came to Switzerland.

Final results show just over 60% of voters and a majority of cantons approving the reform on Sunday.

Projections by the leading GfS Bern research and polling institute on behalf of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation, show around 60% of voters coming out in favour.

Three previous and more ambitious projects were rejected at the ballot box over the past three decades.

The latest proposal was opposed by the Swiss People’s Party, known for its staunch anti-immigration policy, but all other major parties, as well as the government recommended approval.

Parliament last September also agreed the constitutional amendment.


Senior People’s Party parliamentarians have warned that the long-term impact of “uncontrolled naturalisation”.

They argued that poorly integrated immigrants, notably from Islamic countries, would have the upper hand at the ballot box.

They also announced moves to ban dual citizenship for those applying for Swiss citizenship.

Justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga is due to address the media shortly.

During the campaign, supporters said Switzerland’s restrictive citizenship law should be eased for people who are integrated in society and have only symbolic or touristic links with the country of their ancestors.

They argued that current formal naturalisation procedure, – at a federal, cantonal and municipal level, is often complex, deterring respectable citizens from acquiring a Swiss passport and the right to take part in the country’s system of direct democracy.

Among the about 24,000 potential beneficiaries are primarily people from Italy, Spain and Portugal, according to experts, but only a fraction of them is likely to apply for citizenship.


The reform foresees applicants aged between nine and 25 having to submit a formal request to the federal government but would be spared time-consuming and costly examination by the cantonal and local authorities.

The candidates must have at least five years of regular schooling in Switzerland and a valid residence permit.

Requests for facilitated citizenship are also subject to a set of conditions for the parents and grandparents of the so-called ‘third generation’ immigrants.

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