Holy Quran on Praying Regularly Five Times a Day

Holy Quran on Praying Regularly Five Times a Day

The Ahmadiyya Gazette, September/October 1996

“Verily, Prayer is enjoined on the believers to be performed at fixed hours.” (4:104)


A Muslim should start praying when he is seven years old. At the age of ten, prayer becomes obligatory. Anyone who is a Muslim must perform prayers and should perform it with heart-felt devotion and zeal. It is also important that as far as possible, the prayer be performed in congregation. Finally, all five prayers must be performed regularly at their appointed times. Do not get into the habit of making the morning prayer and skipping Zuhr or making Asr and skipping Maghrib. Nor go to sleep without offering Isha. Those who make prayers like this are counted as non-performers of prayers in the sight of Allah. Their prayers do not give them any benefit. This verse also means that all prayers must be performed at the proper times appointed for them. For instance, do not make Fajr prayer at ten o’clock during the day nor offer Asr when the sun is setting.

Ahadith on Daily Prayers

The Ahmadiyya Gazette, September/October 1996

Abu Ayub Ansari relates that a man said: Messenger of Allah, tell me that which cause me to be admitted to Paradise and will keep me away from the Fire. He answered: Worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him, observe Prayer, pay the Zakat and join the ties of kinship. (Bukhari, Kitabul Adab)

Jabir relates that the Holy Prophet (saw) said: Giving up Prayers is tentamount to disbelief and paganism. (Muslim)

Abu Hurairah relates that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: The first item in respect of which a person would be called to account on the Day of Judgment will be Prayer. If that is found in order he would be successful and prosper, but if that is not in order he would be ruined and lost. In case of a shortcoming in his obligations the Lord of honor and glory will say: Look, if among the voluntary acts of My servant there is anything that would make up his shortcoming in respect of his obligations. All his obligations would be checked up in that manner.

SOURCE:   https://www.alislam.org/library/links/00000183.html

AND:   https://www.alislam.org/library/links/00000182.html

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