Reconising the symptoms


The 31-year-old Arab Israeli suspected of having killed two people and injured eight others outside a pub in Tel Aviv on Friday might be yet another Palestinian fed up with the treatment of his people by Israelis.

If that is the case, his act is just another proof that Intifada may have spread in Israel proper.

While the shooter has yet to be apprehended and his motives are yet to be found out, there is no doubt that the Palestinian anger and frustration with lack of progress in the so-called peace process between Palestinians and Israelis is reflected in a restive population with, as a result, lone-wolf attacks occurring quite regularly lately.

A closer look at the manifestations of violence over the past three months shows that no Palestinian segment of the population remains unaffected by the way the occupying forces treat Palestinians, with acts of violence spread widely, including in Gaza.

Whether Israel wishes to admit it or not, what is happening now in the area is a broad Palestinian revolt against Israeli arrogance and intransigence.

Israel seems to be faced with broad Palestinian unrest, which, if not addressed, could extend and become more violent.

Faced with no prospect for a Palestinian state, ruled by a leadership that seems resigned to accepting the fate dealt by Israel, unemployed, downtrodden and bereft of hope for a better future, Palestinian youth, mostly, resort to violence in an attempt to reassert their rights and address their grievances.

The Israeli government cannot continue to blissfully ignore the Palestinian anger if it does not wish it to blow in its face.

It must come to the inevitable conclusion that only the settlement of the Palestinian conflict in toto will provide Israel and its people the safety and security they desire.

Continuing to oppress an entire nation is inviting more violence.

The solution is at hand. Only an independent state can appease the Palestinians and only granting Palestinians their inalienable rights can bring peace to the Israelis.

The only thing that is needed is the political will to bring this into being.

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