Urdu Video:Islamic Council in Pakistan Exposing Their Own Ultimate Degradation

The video is courtesy of Bilal Aslam Khan

Written and collected by Zia H Shah MD, Chief Editor of the Muslim Times

The so called Muslim scholars putting fuel on fire of sectarian divide in Pakistan and their internal politics exposing their utter degradation.

A meeting of the Council for Islamic Ideology (CII) turned violent on Tuesday when a scuffle broke out between member Maulana Tahir Ashrafi and chairman Maulana Mohammad Khan Sherani.

Sources at the meeting said participants were discussing the status of Ahmadis under the Pakistani constitution when Ashrafi, who is also chairman of the Pakistan Ulema Council, and Sherani entered into an argument that later turned personal.

In a press conference later, Ashrafi claimed that Sherani had grabbed him by the collar and tore it.

“He tore my collar with his own hands,” said Ashrafi. However, according to an eyewitness, Ashrafi had first lunged at Sherani to grab his collar.

According to Ashrafi, council members, including himself, were opposed to the idea of debating the status of Ahmadis because there already existed a consensus on the issue.

“He [Maulana Sherani] wants to make the law on Ahmadis controversial, and push the country towards violence,” he said.


Maulana Sherani with white beard and Maulana Ashrafi with black

Read further in Pakistan Today about CII

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Two Hundred Verses about Compassionate Living in the Quran

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