San Bernardino shooting: Statistics behind US gun violence


Every human life is precious and sacred. Killing one is like triggering a genocide. (Derived from Al Quran 5:32/33)

guns in usa

The US has approximately 300 million guns – nearly one for every member of the population

Source: BBC

For the 17th time since he was sworn in as US president, Barack Obama attempted on Thursday to make some sense of an act of mass gun violence.

It’s the third time he has addressed the issue since the start of October, when nine people were killed and seven injured in a shooting at an Oregon school.

The 16th time of his presidency was last week after three people were killed and nine wounded at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs.

This time the setting was a public health centre in San Bernardino, California. Sixteen people died, including the assailants, and 17 more were wounded.

gun violence
Mass shootings: The attack in San Bernardino was the 353rd mass shooting this year. A mass shooting is defined as a single shooting, which kills or injures four or more people, including the assailant.Source: Mass Shooting Tracker

School shootings: There have been 62 school shootings so far in 2015, and 161 since the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school in Connecticut on 14 December 2012 – although those figures include occasions when a gun was fired but no-one was hurt.

Source: Everytown Research

All shootings: The school shootings and other mass shootings generate the headlines, but the vast majority of gun deaths in the US occur in smaller, often unreported incidents. Some 12,223 people have been killed in the US by firearms so far this year, and 24,722 people injured.

Source: Gun Violence Archive,

How the US compares: The number of per capita gun murders in the US in 2012 – the most recent year for comparable statistics – was nearly 30 times that in the UK, at 2.9 per 100,000 compared with just 0.1.

Of all the murders in the US in 2012, 60% were by firearm compared with 31% in Canada, 18.2% in Australia, and just 10% in the UK.

Source: UNODC.

Homicide rate graphic

The home front: So many people die annually from gunfire in the US that the death toll between 1968 and 2011 eclipses all wars ever fought by the country. According to research by Politifact, there were about 1.4 million firearm deaths in that period, compared with 1.2 million US deaths in every conflict from the Revolutionary War to Iraq.

Source: Politifact.

Total number of guns: No official figure exists for the number of guns in the US but there are thought to be about 300 million, concentrated in the hands of about a third of the population. That is nearly enough guns for every man, woman and child in the country.

The NRA: The right for citizens to own those guns is protected by the Second Amendment to the US Constitution and fiercely defended by lobby groups such as the National Rifle Association, which boasted that its membership surged to around five million in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook school shooting.

Gun violence and terrorism: The US spends more than a trillion dollars per year defending itself against terrorism, which kills a tiny fraction of the number of people killed by ordinary gun crime.

According to figures from the US Department of Justice and the Council on Foreign Affairs, 11,385 people died on average annually in firearm incidents in the US between 2001 and 2011.

In the same period, an average of 517 people were killed annually in terrorism-related incidents. Removing 2001, when 9/11 occurred, from the calculation produces an annual average of just 31.

US gun and terrorism death graphic

Categories: Americas, The Muslim Times, USA

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8 replies


    Assalamu’alaikum wrwb
    We always claim that Islam is peaceful religion, and will bring mercy to whole mankind. we always condemn all kind of violence, but unfortunately often we see that extremist Muslim, who devote Islam, kill innocent people in the name of Islam and shout “Alhuu Akbar” God is greatest.

    Yes we agree also that Al Quran is the word of Allah and teach people to live; in peace, harmony, love, compassion, forgiveness, justice for all people regardless his race, nationality, religion, gender and Islam encourage people to live in wealth or prosperity.

    I hope you agree also that the book of Hadith is not the word of Allah, but the word of men. The book of hadith encourage young Muslim to hate toward infidel, to kill apostate, blasphemy, gay and lesbian etc
    As long as Muslim Scholars do not address the book of Hadith which is create violence, killing innocent people, this violence will continue forever.

    Most Muslim scholars around the world believe that the book of Hadith is the second resource of Islamic teaching beside Holy Quran.

    We know now that those who kill innocent people is influenced or inspired by the book of hadith NOT by Al Quran.

    The Qur’an clearly says: “To take an innocent life for no just cause is like killing the whole of humanity, and who ever saves a live, it is like saving the whole of humanity”.

    I strongly urge all Imams, or all Muslim scholars to admit and to declare that the book of Hadith has been contaminated with the violent Hadith or false Hadith. and then all violent Hadith have to be abolished from the book of Hadiith.The book of Hadith is the ROOT of violence in Islam.

    Can we correct the book of Hadith? yes,we can, because the book of Hadith created by ancient imam, or men. Men can make mistake. Only Allah can not make mistake.
    Allah says;
    There is no one in this earth who does what is right all the time and never makes a mistake.Ecc.7:20

    Therefore, the book of Hadith have to be corrected or reformed. Otherwise killing innocent people can not be stopped forever. This is my belief.

    May Allah guide and give strength to all Muslim scholars around the world to reformed the book of Hadith as second resource of Islamic teaching. Amen

    Wassalamu’alaikum wrwb
    Wiall my love

  2. It is not the ‘wrong book of Irresponsible hadith ‘ root cause of violence in Islam.It is the real lack,of love,fear of Allah.It is the lack of humanity that is playing havoc with the so called Muslim Extremists or any other violent extremist.How could Holy Prophet say anything which contradicts Quran .His life history is a living proof for sound,sincere people.

  3. “Reform minded” muhammadans want to destroy the hadiths because they contain facts which are unsettling to the followers of Muhammad.

  4. Namelee we do not want to destroy the Hadith. We want to be choosy as some of the Hadith were written by people like you, who were on a mission to destroy every thing Muslim or Islam and had greater creativity than yourself.

  5. On the contrary, those who wrote the hadiths did so from authentic history, which until now, was regarded as the pride of islam because it presented the truth about the life and doings of Muhammad. They were not creative but factual. To be choosy is to ignore some facts.

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