Canada: We’ll resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees


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Toronto Skyline at night

Ottawa (CNN) Justin Trudeau’s newly elected government has confirmed it will resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees in Canada within three months, giving top priority to those who are a lower security risk.

The plan as outlined prioritizes families and vulnerable individuals, including those from the LGBT community.

Single unaccompanied men will be excluded from the government resettlement program for now. However, government officials say those individuals can still apply to come to Canada through private sponsorship programs or could possibly be resettled through a government-sponsored program later in 2016.


Justin Trudeau

“Through the rest of 2016, we will bring in more refugees,” said Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Minister John McCallum at a news briefing in Ottawa on Tuesday.

“I’ve been saying time and time again, that yes, we want to bring them fast, but we also want to do it right,” he said adding, “I’ve heard Canadians across this country saying, ‘yes you have to do it right, and if it takes a little bit longer to do it right, then take the extra time.’ “

Prime Minister Trudeau had promised during the election campaign to resettle 25,000 refugees by the end of year. Trudeau says he extended the deadline because of operational and security challenges.

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Categories: Americas, Canada, Syria, The Muslim Times

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