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// ]]>Narendra Modi I-Day speech: On OROP, Team India – The Hindu // <style type=”text/css”>#cr-slider { display: block; }</style>// = 0) { document.write(”); } else if ((navigator.userAgent).toLowerCase().indexOf(‘ipad’) >= 0) { document.write(”); }
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Modi’s ‘Team India’ speech fails to appease ex-servicemen

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  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi greeting the crowd at Red Fort after delivering the I-Day speech on Saturday. Photo : R. V. Moorthy

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi greeting the crowd at Red Fort after delivering the I-Day speech on Saturday. Photo : R. V. Moorthy

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacting with school children after his Independence Day speech at Red Fort. Photo: Sandeep Saxena

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacting with school children after his Independence Day speech at Red Fort. Photo: Sandeep Saxena

  • Rejecting Mr Modi's in-principle acceptance of OROP scheme, the protestors announced that the stir will be intensified from tomorrow. Photo: Prashant Nakwe

    Rejecting Mr Modi’s in-principle acceptance of OROP scheme, the protestors announced that the stir will be intensified from tomorrow. Photo: Prashant Nakwe

Post the PM’s speech, ex-servicemen announced that their protest would be intensified from tomorrow.

In his second Independence Day address from the ramparts of Red Fort, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made clear that whether it was the goal of ending ‎corruption in the country or electrifying 18, 500 more villages, it could not be done without the efforts of Team India, the country’s 1.25 billion people.

Disappointing ex-servicemen, a core constituency of the BJP, he said that though negotiations for granting One Rank, One Pension were at ‎the last stage, justice had to be done to all sections of the population. The result: immediately after his speech ended, angry ex-servicemen said that they were not beggars, they were just demanding their rights.

Ex-servicemen held a press conference at Jantar Mantar after PM Modi’s I-day speech. Rejecting Mr Modi’s in-principle acceptance of OROP scheme, the protestors announced that the stir will be intensified from tomorrow.

Photo: Prashant Nakwe

The ex-servicemen staging a black flag protest against the PM speech. Photo: Prashant Nakwe

Mr. Modi touched on the issue of corruption, without referring to the allegations made against members of his party. But he hinted that he alone could not end it: corruption, he said, was like an attack of termites that had to be systematically fought, square inch by square inch, by the entire population.

If the Prime Minister spent the bulk of his speech claiming credit for fulfilling the promise of building toilets in every school, and that of financial inclusion through the opening of bank accounts – commitments made in his Independence Day speech last year – he announced a new scheme Stand Up and Start Up India. This, he said, will ensure loans specially for Dalit and tribal entrepreneurs.

Categories: Asia, India

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