Egypt issues instructions to remove books on extremism from mosques

Egyptian policewomen, wearing protective face shields, stand at attention at the Sharm el-Sheikh international airport. (AFP file photo)

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  • The ministry called on imams to complete these tasks no later than 15 days from the date of this decision

MOHAMMED ABU ZAID August 29, 2021 

CAIRO: The Egyptian Ministry of Endowments has decided to prevent the entry of books on extremism and the Muslim Brotherhood to all mosques in Egypt and to remove those already there within the coming 15 days.

Mohammed Mokhtar Gomaa, minister of endowments, said that committees will be formed to re-examine mosque libraries and the books, magazines and publications in them and remove any publications that adopt extremist ideology or belong to any extremist group.

In an urgent statement, the minister directed the punishment of any official neglecting these orders.

There was also an urgent warning that all imams take a pledge to not allow any books to be included in mosque libraries without permission from the General Administration of Religious Guidance in the Ministry’s general office.

The minister also directed the removal of any violating posters inside or outside the mosque.

Hisham Abdel Aziz, who is in charge of running the work of the head of the religious sector at the Ministry of Endowments, issued a poster alerting all directorates to quickly form committees to re-examine any libraries, books, magazines or publications in mosques, and purify them of any publications that adopt an extremist ideology or belong to any extremist group or the Brotherhood.

Those negligent will be referred for investigation, he said.

The ministry called on imams to complete these tasks no later than 15 days from the date of this decision.

Violating of these directives was a severe negligence and a breach of duty that deserved disciplinary accountability, the ministry warned.


2 replies

  1. Theoretically sounds good, however, how can we trust those who decide what is to be censored and what not … tricky…

    In the same way actually we respect and love Shariah law, however, we have difficulty to respect and love those who want to interpret it.

    Alhamdolillah. Thanks to Allah. We have our Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, whom we can love and respect and trust to interpret the teachings of Islam.

  2. at last , a muslim contry has accepted the much awaited need and demand . It is really appreciable step. Mr. Rafiq is right in his apprehention that what would be censored or not . I understand that if we accept that Islam is a peaceful religion , there is no need to carry the burden of blasphemy rule or murder of murteed . It is well understood that both cannot be kept together . All those narrations of the holy Quran , which are provacatives , cannot be part of the peaceful religion . All those ahadiths like ” hazrat Isa will give only two options to non-muslims ….. either embrace Islam or be ready to be killed ” or ” when a jew would take shelter behind the tree during the time of his second coming , the tree will ask a muslim to kill him ” ; will be not the true hadith or having some peaceful interpretation . Literature should be read with pre- mind set that what type of relgion we believe . If we believe that a true religion can not give such teachings which open the door for violence and lawlessness , we must learnt to reject the interpretations . If anyone is stick with those interpretations , he must admit that teachings of Islam is not peaceful . If hindus make their blasphemy rule that since they consider cow as their god and muslims slaughter their god , what will be happened ? Like if christians make their blasphemy rule that by calling their son of god , merely a prophet , muslims are defaming their loved one . Can we imagine of a peaceful society . Every action has an opposit reaction . I was seeing a confession of british police about the increase cases of islamophobia . If we go with the muslim literature and interpretations of moulvies , such reactions are inevitable . It cannot be stopped . In democratic world , people can not be ignored . Raligion touches the sentiments . How do we say that Islam gives such teachings which hurt the sentiments ! Moulvies must be asked and questioned . We are facing a little of islamophobia . But we must understand that if in muslim societies and in country like pakistan , they donot stop atrocities in the name of faith and religion , we are certainly moving towards a dark and dreadful path . Egyptian goverment must show its sincerity towards its praised decision .

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