Ramadhan: A Blessed Month, means to attain nearness to Allah, become healthy & serve fellow human beings

Report by Muhammad Ahmad, Detroit MI

The Holy month of Ramadhan started on May 6, 2019 which is the first day and first fast of the 30-day period that Muslims will be observing across the country.

Islam has five fundamental pillars, and fasting is one of them.

Fasting is mandatory upon every adult man and woman. Its prescription was mandated in the year 2 (A.H) Although, fasting has been mentioned before the advent of Islam, it was prescribed in its complete form by Islam. The Holy Quran describes the purpose of fasting in the following words “so that you may become righteous” 2:184.

Imam Shamshad Nasir of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community delivering Dras-ul-Hadith

Imam Shamshad Nasir of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community delivering Dras-ul-Hadith

We must sympathize with the poor and the needy and care for their needs particulary during this month. We must LEARN THIS LESSON AND CONTINUE AFTER RAMZAN and look after the poor, the needy, the widow, the orphan and be mindful of their feelings as well their needs.

Locally here in Rochester Hills, Michigan, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community located at 1730 W Auburn Road, Rochester Hills, started the preparation for the blessed month with Dras-ul-Hadith and Q&A on Sunday, May 5th at Masjid Mahmood. Tarveeh prayers were offered following the Ishaa prayers.

“We are so thankful to Almighty Allah that he gave us another opportunity to see and observe fast in this month” said Imam Shamshad Nasir of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Rochester Hills, Michigan. He further expounded regarding the significance of this month that during this month we must all pay particular attention to our daily prayers and offer them in congregation, recite the Holy Quran and stay away from all kind of immoral and other ills.

Therefore, we must try our utmost to follow the commandments of Almighty God in regard to fasting despite many difficulties in order to fulfill these commandments of God. If one ponders over these even the slightest, one will realize that all these commandments are for our own benefit. Now a days many people are mindful of their diet and avoid certain foods to remain healthy, science also corroborates the fact that eating less or fasting prevents many health-related issues. Founder of Islam Holy Prophet (pbuh) exhorted us 1500 years ago that “observe fasting it will keep you healthy”

“Ramadhan requires from us sacrifice of time, desires, sleep and struggle to win the pleasure of God and to become closer to Him. We should change our daily routine to get more involved in Ramzan activities, there should be crystal clear evidence of this change in our daily life” elaborated Imam Shamshad.

Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said : “ Seven will be sheltered under the safeguarding shade of Allah’s mercy on the Day on which there will be no other shade beside the shade of His mercy one is youth who occupies himself with the worship of Allah and another one whose heart is ever suspended in the mosque. Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم again said : “those who come in the house of Allah and occupied themselves in learning and reading of the Holy Quran, Allah’s angels covers them with their wings and pray for them: Oh! Allah have mercy on them, bless them and forgive them.”

During the month, Masjid Mahmood (The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Center) will be open daily for all five prayers. Also, there will be daily Dars-ul-Quran (Teachings and explanations of Quran) by Imam Shamshad Nasir right after the Asr prayer 7:15pm, followed by Q & A.

The Annual Ramadhan Open House Dinner will be on Saturday May 18th at 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM.

All are invited and welcome to share a meal with us learn about the month of fasting, ask questions and observe how muslims break the fast and pray.

Please contact us at 248 293 0072
Imam Shamshad Nasir 909 636 8332
Muhammad Ahmad 248 739 5688

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