How Would Jesus Vote?

ap_19106780776374_wide-d3455cefc2556b53b0e740adffa51dd8b95637e1-s1500-c85 (1)Source: NPR


For most of the last 40 years, the notion that one’s Christian beliefs should guide one’s voting has largely been promoted by conservative Republicans.

Two Republican presidential candidates from that period — Pat Robertson and Mike Huckabee — are former Southern Baptist preachers and one, Ted Cruz, is the son of a conservative evangelical pastor. All three on repeated occasions tied the Christian vote to the Republican cause.

“If Christians will simply show up and vote our values,” Cruz told the Christian Broadcasting Network in 2015, “we’ll turn this country around.”

This year, a Democratic presidential candidate, Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., is making the same argument, with a twist: A vote based on Christian values, Buttigieg suggests, would indeed turn the country around, but in a “progressive” direction.

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