As Theresa May gears up for war in Syria, we should remember what hypocrites we are about chemical warfare in the Middle East

Not a soul today is mentioning the terrible war fought between 1980 and 1988, which was fought with our total acquiescence. It’s almost an ‘exclusive’ to mention the conflict at all, so religiously have we forgotten it


Oh, the hypocrisy of it. The ignoble aims. The distraction. The outrageous lies and excuses.

I’m not talking about America’s tweet-from-the-hip president and his desire to escape from the cops’ raid on his lawyer’s office – there’s a Russian connection, all right.

And I’m not talking about his latest sleaze. Life with Melania might not be great at the moment. More distracting to sit with the generals and ex-generals and talk tough about Russia and Syria.

I’m not talking about Theresa May, who wants to step out of the Brexit ditch with any distractions of her own: Salisbury attacks, Douma – even Trump. So Trump telephoned Macron, when the poor lady thought she’d won his hand. What is this nonsense?

Macron has now hitched his own wagon to the Saudis against Iranian “expansionism” – and no doubt arms sales to the Kingdom have something to do with it. But how sad that the desire of young French presidents to act like Napoleon (I can think of a few others) means that they devote themselves to joining in a war, rather than pleading against it.


1 reply

  1. Theresa May wants the Brits to stop thinking about Brexit, so she wants to bomb Syria. Donald Trump wants the Amis to stop thinking about Russia-gate, so he wants to bomb Syria. Emmanuel Macron wants to be a big boy too, so he wants to bomb Syria. – How more childish can these leaders be?

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