If you thought Trump’s travel ban was bad, what he has planned next for American Muslims could be devastating

Designating the Muslim Brotherhood and all its affiliates as terrorist organisations will have a huge impact within the US on the civil society groups that hold the American Muslim community together

Imagine your morale if you were a Muslim living in America right now. What could be worse than having a president who has launched a calculated assault against your community? How about the signing of a new bill that has the power to intimidate, silence, and imprison Muslims for being politically engaged?

The Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act bill, currently sitting in Congress, comes against the backdrop of atravel ban on citizens from seven Muslim countries, the revamping of a US counter-terror program to focus solely on “radical Islamic extremism”, and a series of disconcerting responses to terrorism from the new President – from a shouting caps tweet about the Egyptian knife-wielding attacker at the Louvre in Paris, to total silence after six Canadians were gunned down inside a Quebec mosque by a right-wing nationalist.

But this bill, if passed, is pretty much the icing on the cake for American Muslims.

READ MORE HERE:   http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/donald-trump-muslim-travel-ban-muslim-brotherhood-terror-bill-civil-society-devastating-effects-a7571426.html

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