Day: September 24, 2016

USA: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community invites people to a weekly “Coffee, Cake & True Islam” initiative at Al-Nur Mosque

Source: Let’s work together to counter hatred, paranoia and extremism September 24, 2016 12:00 AM While I watched the horrid news of bomb explosions in Manhattan and New Jersey, as a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, I feared the worst and prayed for the affected. To my utter dismay, […]

The secret costs of Islamophobia

Source: CNN ‘Muslims live in fear that they will be attacked. Americans live in fear that Muslims will attack them.’ Aleena is 17, with a bright smile and dark hair that sweeps across her shoulders. Her mother is Indian-American, her father emigrated from Pakistan. Aleena and her two sisters have […]

Proxies for the US-China rivalry,

Source: Asia Times: Pakistan’s government has been assiduously exploiting the Kashmir situation as a diplomatic and political liability for India, most recently with Nawaz Sharif’s September 21 speech at the United Nations General Assembly. Modi’s response has been jiu-jitsu: blame Pakistan! Modi asserts that the true human rights miscreant and […]

Egyptian MP backs burqa ban, terms garment ‘un-Islamic’

An Egyptian lawmaker is urging the Egyptian parliament to ban niqabsand burqas, claiming them to be part of Jewish tradition. Published: September 23, 2016 Egyptian MP backs burqa ban, terms garment ‘un-Islamic’ – The Express Tribune DD_belatedPNG.fix(‘img, #developer-link a’); Lawmaker Amina Nasir said the Holy Quran only called for Muslim women […]