Honey Bees Could Carry The Cure To Your Next Bacterial Infection


How The Honey Bee Helps

Health issues are constantly on the rise, water shortages are growing issues. Yet, what could be considered to be one of the most health threatening epidemics facing society today, passes by without so much as a whisper from main stream media. What is this epidemic you ask? It is the gradual extension of the honey bee.

Now many may understand the bee to be just another insect whose purpose is to annoy the human population; however, the honey bee plays an integral role in the health of the planet, and in the health of individuals like you. Not only does the honey bee provide the all­natural and healthy sweetener (honey), research has shown that honeybee may also carry a special microbe containing health benefits much sweeter than honey.

Scientists have found that a bacteria usually found in honeybees could be used as an alternative to antibiotics.

The Buzz On Bacteria

Honey has earned a name for itself in the food world through its incredible flavor. However, many do not know that for centuries (raw) honey has been used as a natural medicinal substitute for antibiotics. Honey contains a unique bacterial composition which is only found in the stomachs of honey  bees. This unique bacterium helps to repel and eliminate more harmful pathogens that could cause infection.


2 replies

  1. This is another example of why Islam is in such bad shape today. Muslims are finding medicine in their holy book!!
    The only reason for this post is religiously driven belief of ordinary Muslims that there is cure of medical illnesses in Honey Bee. This is based upon the erroneous understanding of a verse in the Holy Quran.
    Quran is a book that addresses spiritual needs of human beings. It helps the man to come closer to God and recognize Him. In the course of its text there are some mention of the universe and biology, but only to support the existence of God. Unfortunately 99.99% Muslims have no idea what the Book says. They try to argue the health benefits of fasting, not eating pork and find cure for every illness in honey!!
    Do you know that there are antiseptic properties in human saliva and urine. Both have been used in the past for disinfection. There are such properties in numerous biological substances in the animal and plant kingdom.
    So let us try to find the real wisdom of the Holy Quran. Let us use the Book for its intended purpose. Let us leave the science to the scientists. And let us not confuse the two.

  2. National Institutes of Health
    Search database Search term

    3. Antibacterial activity
    3.1. Potential antibacterial agent

    The use of honey as a traditional remedy for microbial infections dates back to ancient times[8]. Research has been conducted on manuka (L. scoparium) honey[27], which has been demonstrated to be effective against several human pathogens, including Escherichia coli (E. coli), Enterobacter aerogenes, Salmonella typhimurium, S. aureus[6],[27]. Laboratory studies have revealed that the honey is effective against methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), β-haemolytic streptococci and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE)[28],[29]. However, the newly identified honeys may have advantages over or similarities with manuka honey due to enhanced antimicrobial activity, local production (thus availability), and greater selectivity against medically important organisms[6]. The coagulase-negative staphylococci are very similar to S. aureus[14],[30] in their susceptibility to honey of similar antibacterial potency and more susceptible than Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) and Enterococcus species[14].

    The disc diffusion method is mainly a qualitative test for detecting the susceptibility of bacteria to antimicrobial substances; however, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) reflects the quantity needed for bacterial inhibition. Following the in vitro methods, several bacteria (mostly multi drug resistant; MDR) causing human infections that were found susceptible to honeys are presented in Table 1.

    Table 1
    Table 1
    Antibacterial activity of honey against bacteria causing life-threatening infection to humans.

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