Month: November 2014

Ground troops in Iraq, yet again?

Source: Asia Times. By Brian M Downing Three years after US troops left Iraq, Washington is considering reintroducing ground troops to fight the Islamic State (IS). Not advisers, not beefed up embassy details; regular infantry and special forces battalions. The Islamic State’s bold victories contrast with the tired proclamations of aging al-Qaeda […]

America, we have a problem

Source: CNN (CNN) — A frail, elderly black man holding a thick, leather-bound Bible stood on the curb within earshot of Ferguson police. The cloud of tear gas that had recently chased away protesters had all but dissipated, though its effects could still be felt. “We’re supposed to love one another,” […]

Qur’an lesson for today: 304. Commandment – when you consult the Messenger in private, give alms before your consultation

304. Commandment – when you consult the Messenger in private, give alms before your consultation   [58:13] O ye who believe! when you consult the Messenger in private, give alms before your consultation. That is better for you and purer. But if you find not anything to give, then Allah is Most Forgiving, […]