What Is True Islam?

Source: Huffington Post

By , Lawyer, Speaker, Best-Selling Author of “EXTREMIST”

Just south of Oklahoma near Round Rock, Texas, an Adopt-a-Highway sign was vandalized last weekend — with the words “Ahmadiyya Muslim” crossed out. The vandals left a hand written note declaring, “A Christian Community, U.S.A.”

Meanwhile, Fox’s Megyn Kelly invited an alleged “former Muslim” from Oklahoma to an anonymous “tell all” interview about the evils of Muslims in America. In doing so, she only stroked the flames of Islamophobia with fear, propaganda, and fabrication.

Listen up Megyn Kelly: Islam will prevail. And not by force, violence, compulsion, or “Jihad for Allah,” as the anonymous puppet on your program claimed. Islam will prevail exactly how the Qur’an 69:10 promises and how Prophet Muhammad demonstrated — through service to humanity, peace, patience, and prayers.

Yes, some ignorant people subscribing to Islam believe they have a free pass to convert others by any means necessary. Never mind that the Qur’an does not endorse any of this compulsion — but ignorant bigots don’t really need an excuse to promote their ignorant bigotry.

Want proof?

Well, consider factual history. Such ignorant bigots are no different from American politicians and judiciary who believed slavery was ordained by Christ. They are no different from Zionist terrorists who bombed King David’s Hotel in 1948. They are no different from Christian clergy who massacred Native Americans. They are no different than the KKK, IRA, or the Lord’s Resistance Army and their quest to murder, rape, and maim Ugandans into converting to Christianity, submitting to their rule, or being murdered.

Megyn Kelly doesn’t seem to understand that ignorance and immorality transcend race, religion, and nationality. Like the aforementioned “Christian” and “Jewish” terrorists, anyone who subscribes to Islam and commits acts of terror does so of their own accord. Islam does not endorse or approve of their violence.

Unfortunately, the ignorance to Islam that Megyn Kelly demonstrated interfered with her ability to hold a rational and just interview. Indeed, what is fair and balanced about inviting an anonymous puppet and taking his word as gospel, without any countering voice? What is “newsworthy” about an individual’s unverifiable, unsubstantiated, and unremarkable claims about a mosque he allegedly attended? What is the contribution to a productive dialogue of reporting such anti-Islam hatred without a shred of objectivity?

The Megyn Kellys of the world may not know much about Islam, but Kelly may know one thing that she won’t publicly admit — Islam will prevail. Despite the tens of millions of dollars spent to promote fear of Islam and Muslims, Islam will prevail through service to humanity, peace, prayers, and patience. This was Prophet Muhammad’s way.

Rather than legitimize fear of Islam and Muslims, Megyn Kelly should stand with Muslims as we repeatedly condemn all forms of extremism and terrorism. Love, compassion, education — that is the formula to overcome bigotry and intolerance. As Muslims, we revere Jesus, and I’m pretty sure Jesus spoke of love and compassion to overcome evil — not hatred and fabricated propaganda.

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