Day: July 23, 2012

Ramadan Around The World In Pictures

Huff Post: Last week, Muslims around the world, commenced a month-long fast for Ramadan, the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. Ramadan was established as a Holy Month for Muslims after the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in 610 CE on the occasion known as Laylat al-Qadr, frequently translated […]

Marriage: A Social Justice Issue?

PJMedia:  by La Shawn Barber The solution to reducing inequality isn’t more government, but more marriage. Liberal politicians divide and conquer through class warfare. They pontificate about how the “rich” don’t pay their fair share of taxes or how that nice, safe neighborhood isn’t diverse enough, so the government ought […]

Cagefighter ‘cures’ terrorists

Source: CNN Watch more about Olympic Security on “Connect the World” on Friday at 8p.m. GMT, and watch the inspiring “Caging Terror” documentary Saturday at 9.30a.m., 7p.m. and 10.30p.m. GMT and Sunday at 2.30p.m. GMT. London (CNN) — In the shadow of London’s Olympic stadium, home of the Summer Games, […]

A call for Justice.

Macleans: The assassin among us Nur Chowdhury faces execution for killing Bangladesh’s president. That’s why he’s safe in Canada. On a muggy Friday in August 1975, as pre-dawn prayers rang out from city mosques, five trucks sped through the still-dark streets of Dhaka on a mission to change history. Each […]