Day: December 21, 2011

Nouvelles victimes de la politique d’immigration

A cinq mois de l’élection présidentielle, le ministre de l’Intérieur français poursuit son offensive contre l’immigration. La France accueille chaque année 200 000 étrangers en situation régulière et « c’est trop » estime Claude Guéant. Le locataire de la Place Beauvau s’est fixé comme objectif de diminuer l’immigration légale de 10%. Menacés d’expulsion […]

Playing chess in Eurasia

Source: Asiatimes on Line By Pepe Escobar Bets are off on which is the great story of 2011. Is it the Arab Spring(s)? Is it the Arab counter-revolution, unleashed by the House of Saud? Is it the “birth pangs” of the Greater Middle East remixed as serial regime changes? Is […]

Can You Be Good Without God?

Source: NY Times. A writer for a Times blog about philosophy argues that being an atheist does not mean “anything goes” — in fact, quite the opposite. What do you think? Can morality be independent of God? Can people who don’t believe in God still be as “good” as those […]