Day: August 13, 2011

Study about Islam enters curriculums

Source: TribLive/News By Rachel Weaver In the 10 years since 9/11, teachers have taken instruction on Islam’s history and impact from brief references in some Western Pennsylvania classrooms to extensive overviews. “If we want our students to solve future problems, they must have a strong understanding of world religions,” said […]

Conversations and Cornbread

Source: 30 mosques 30 states 30 days By Aman Ali My knowledge of what Ahmadiyya Muslims believe is limited. But off the bat, let’s clarify some misconceptions you might have about them. Yes, they pray five times a day, believe in Prophet Muhammad, fast during Ramadan and follow many other […]

Next Frontier for Restless Americans?

Source: New York Times CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS — The American jobs that vanished don’t appear to be returning. The stock market is plunging. Seemingly everyone, from the guy at the corner bar to the U.S. Treasury Department, is in debt. The country’s credit rating just got knocked. Smart people on television […]

Household power switched off by remote

Review into managing home power use Looking at ways to ease demand at peak times Could switch off your appliances remotely TVs, airconditioners and fridges could be switched off remotely by power companies during peak times under plans to rein in households’ demand for electricity. The option is among measures […]

Al-Azhar torn between secularists and Islamists

Noha El Hennawy, Almasy Alyoum, Cairo. Despite ongoing feuds over the identity of the state in post-Mubarak Egypt, both secularists and Islamists have recently agreed on one issue: the necessity of liberating Al-Azhar from government control. Yet, each camp has its own motives for supporting an autonomous clergy. Islamists view an autonomous Al-Azhar as key […]

India: The next university superpower?

Source: BBC News India has ambitious plans to increase graduate numbers in a way which would give it the size and status of an education superpower. The figures are staggering. India’s government speaks of increasing the proportion of young people going to university from 12% at present to 30% by 2025 […]

The Second Great Contraction

By Kenneth Rogoff, Straight Times, Singapore CAMBRIDGE – WHY is everyone still referring to the recent financial crisis as the ‘Great Recession’? The term, after all, is predicated on a dangerous misdiagnosis of the problems that confront the United States and other countries, leading to bad forecasts and bad policy. […]