The Community is Given the Authority to Report the Spread of Ahmadiyya Teachings


 Ryan Poerpratama

 April 22, 2024

BHARATANEWS.ID | BOGOR CITY – The Indonesian government has taken firm steps against the Ahmadiyah sect which is considered heretical and deviating from the teachings of Islam by freeing it from all forms of organizational activity. In this context, the public is given the authority to report to the police if they find that the spread of Ahmadiyah teachings is still occurring.

West Bogor Subdistrict Head, Dudi Fitri Susandi, emphasized that the Ahmadiyah sect had been frozen by the government and no longer needed to be debated. So, if there are indications that adherents of this sect are still spreading their teachings outside the designated corridors, residents have the right to report the incident to the authorities.

“This organization has been frozen by the government, there’s no need to debate it anymore, it has the Ministerial Decree 3 stamp, but if there are certain people or groups who try to do things outside the Ministerial Decree 3 corridor, then citizens have the right to report, because that is the police’s domain,” as Dudi said. Head of West Bogor Subdistrict to media crew, Monday, (22/4/2024).

In the same place, West Bogor Police Chief, Commissioner Sudar, added that the public can report the spread of Ahmadiyah teachings to the local Police (Polres) if they have fulfilled the requirements and are supported by valid evidence.

“If you meet the requirements, there are witnesses, please just report it to the police chief,” he concluded.

This step was taken to maintain public security and order and to avoid conflicts that could harm all parties. Thus, community participation in reporting suspicious matters is important in efforts to maintain peace and harmony in society. (Irpan/Ry)


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