Love for All and Hatred for None

Prophet Jesus, the Son of Mary, is dead.

The Truth Message – Part – 1: … Jesus is dead. Period. Tomb of Jesus found in Kashmir (It’s proved & confirmed) Proofs are indeed available now to confirm that Jesus had survived crucifixion, traveled towards India to continue his ministry among the Tribes of Israel, as he was commissioned, and […]

‘He was killed because of his faith,’ sister of slain doctor says at Muslim sect’s peace conference in Harrisburg by Julianne Mattera — Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA’s 66th annual weekend peace convention, the Jalsa Salana, continues at the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg on Saturday, Aug. 16, 2014. A poster board tells the story of Dr. Mehdi Ali Qamar, an American cardiologist who was shot dead in Pakistan […]

The Muslims’ contribution

Times of by Laiq Ahmad Atif. Love is a powerful weapon that unites and brings people, communities, na­tions, religions and countries closer. In the same way, hatred and malice are the instruments of division and conflict. The editorial of The Times of April 4, ‘Maltese perception of Muslims’ shed […]