Month: November 2017

Welcome to the new Zimbabwe!

Ben De Pear 15 Nov 2017 Welcome to the new Zimbabwe! It’s a lot like the old one from before – so said a friend in Harare as news spread that what is called a “bloodless correction” has restored Zimbabwe’s Chimurenga – struggle or war vet generation to supremacy. The […]

A moral obligation

Nov 15,2017 – JORDAN TIMES EDITORIAL Even though the plight of the Palestinian refugees gets at times forgotten amidst the growing refugee crisis worldwide, they cannot forget their predicament, and neither should the international community whose complicity or inaction gave rise to their dispossession. It is the West that robbed […]

Barbie Gets a Hijab

Source: The New Yorker By Christina Binkley November 13, 2017 Mattel’s Barbie modelled on the American fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad has muscular legs and wears a hijab. Photograph courtesy Mattel In 1959, the […]