Day: October 31, 2012

Abdullah tries to loosen restrictions

Riyadh: Abdul Latif Al Shaikh’s effort follows moves by King Abdullah to loosen some restrictions on Saudis and improve the position of women in Saudi society, changes intended to ease the kind of social and economic pressures that fuelled the Arab Spring revolutions that challenged governments across the region. Read  […]

کیا سعودی عرب کیلئے توہین رسالت اور توہین خدا جائز ہے ؟

مسجد نبوی کی توسيع کے بہانے سعودی عرب کے بنیاد پرست حکمران طبقے نے اسلام کی تین قدیم ترین مساجد کو منہدم کرنے کا پروگرام بنایا ہے . اس سے پہلے بھی سعودی عرب اسلامی ثقافتی اور تاریخی مقامات کو منہدم کر چکا ہے جن میں اہم شخصیات کے مزار، […]

Where are all the women? Peggy Reynolds. WHEN I was a young lecturer a knock came at my office door. “Oh”, said the young man as I opened it, “So sorry — I was looking for Dr Reynolds.” This is a story from the ‘olden days’ but things have not changed that much. I […]

UK: Dr Iftikhar Ayaz, OBE, nominated for Active Refugee Advocacy Award

Ahmadiyya Times: Source/Credit: Grassroot Diplomat: Edited by Imran Jattala London, UK: – Dr Iftikhar Ayaz, OBE, Consul General of the Tuvalu Islands, has been nominated for the first ever Grassroot Diplomat Initiative Awards. According to a press release by Grassroot Diplimat, “the award looks to recognize outstanding diplomats and politicians in the UK for their dedication, commitment and […]

U.S. Statement on the UPR of Pakistan

U.S. Statement on the UPR of Pakistan 14th Session – October 30, 2012 Note: An abbreviated version of this text was delivered at the Universal Periodic Review due to time constraints.   Source: US State Department: The United States welcomes H.E. Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Pakistani […]