Muslim brotherhood

Secretive sect worries even Islamic extremists

EL-ARISH, Egypt — A fringe group so extreme that it worries even Egypt’s Muslim fundamentalists is secretly reviving itself with greater firepower and followers in the country’s volatile Sinai Peninsula. Disciples of the group known as Takfir wil-Hijra, dubbed “Takfiris,” lead secretive, isolated lives where anything and anyone that does […]

Muslim Brotherhood ”strikes deal” to lead Libya

Tripoli: Libya’s top politicians have hatched a deal by which the Muslim Brotherhood will lead the government after the country’s first free elections on Saturday in almost five decades. According to The Telegraph, negotiations between the Muslim Brotherhood and a secular-based political movement led by former interim prime minister Mahmoud […]

Can the Islamist movements deliver?

By OSAMA AL SHARIF, ARABNEWS Arab Islamist movements have never been so close to grabbing power through open and democratic elections as they are today. They have already succeeded in Tunisia and Egypt. They are expected to do well in Algeria’s upcoming polls. And if elections are held in Jordan […]