Author Archives

Hibatur Rehman

Muslim leaders reject Baghdadi's caliphate

Muslim scholars and movements from across the Sunni Islamic spectrum have rejected the caliphate declared by the Islamic State group, with the fighters receiving scathing criticism from both mainstream religious leaders, and those associated with their former allies, al-Qaeda. Assem Barqawi, also known as Abu Mohamed al-Maqdesi, who was released […]

The tragedy of the Arabs

A THOUSAND years ago, the great cities of Baghdad, Damascus and Cairo took turns to race ahead of the Western world. Islam and innovation were twins. The various Arab caliphates were dynamic superpowers—beacons of learning, tolerance and trade. Yet today the Arabs are in a wretched state. Even as Asia, […]

Will al Qaeda fight ISIS Islamic state?

(CNN) — ISIS has made huge territorial gains in the border areas between Iraq and Syria during the past month, as well as capturing strategic cities such as Mosul and Tikrit. Now its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has changed the group’s name from the previous “Islamic State of Iraq and […]

Iraq crisis: What is a caliphate?

The Independent: The group formerly known as Isis has declared the ‘restoration of the caliphate’ under the name The Islamic State – with huge implications for the wider region. Last night the Isis militant group declared its occupied territories as a new state, removing “Iraq and  the Levant” from its name […]