Day: December 22, 2012

Politics and state

Source: TWO slogans in Pakistan’s two largest cities — both emphasising the leader. In Lahore the stage is being prepared for the return of Allama Dr Tahirul Qadri. In Karachi, wall chalkings of the MQM’s earlier slogan, ‘Manzil nahin rehnuma chahiye’ (leader not destination) have cropped up once again. […]

Indonesian clerics vs. Santa Claus

Global Post: Patrick Winn. Is “Merry Christmas” forbidden in Muslim-majority Indonesia? Another Christmas season, another year of hand wringing for Muslim-majority Indonesia‘s arbiters of piety. As the Jakarta Globe reports, Indonesia’s top Islamic rule-making body (the Indonesia Ulema Council) is again warning Muslims toforego all Christmas “rituals”. In other words, don’t […]