
Paradise on Earth

Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as The Review of Religions, January 1997 Translated by Amatul-Hadi Ahmad On the evening of 16 August 1902, after the evening prayer, the Promised Messiah (as), as was his practice, sat down with his companions, for general conversation and discussion. Someone presented him with a note […]

Divine Revelation and Rationality

by Mirza Tahir Ahmad Divine Revelation and Rationality N another chapter we briefly covered the progress of Muslim thought and intellectual pursuits in many areas of human interest. During that period, although Muslim enquiry was predominantly influenced by Quranic teachings and the traditions of the Holy Prophetsa, it could not […]

Excessiveness leads to shirk

SHEIKH NASIRUDDIN AL-ALBANI | Published — Friday 29 July 2016 From that which has been established in the shariah (prescribed law) is that mankind was, in the beginning, a single nation upon true Tawheed; then shirk (directing any part or form of worship, or anything else that is solely the […]