Social Media

Repressed Brits, evil Mexicans, Arab villains: why are Hollywood’s animated movies full of racist stereotypes?

theguardian: by Steve Rose — Perhaps it’s a matter for the film classification boards. They could put a warning on the certificate: “Contains mild fantasy violence, very mild language, a white-supremacist subtext, and grotesquely derogatory portrayals of ethnic minorities.” Or: “Probably won’t make your child into a racist, but sure […]

Saudi Twitter Arrested

Aliberal Saudi writer has been detained on charges of making insulting comments about Islam.Family members said Turki Al-Hamad was arrested on the orders of Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef bin Abdel Aziz on December 24.Al-Hamad recently attacked radical Islamists on his Twitter account.He accused them of twisting the message […]

Newsweek trolls again with MUSLIM RAGE

Source: Author: Alex Pareene  Look, we all know Tina Brown, editor of Newsweek, is simply trolling us, because trolling is the only way for a weekly newsmagazine to get any sort of attention anymore. (Time doesn’t troll us, and as a result no one ever talks about Time.) So, MUSLIM RAGE. […]