
What the explosive testimony of a minister reveals about Britain’s war in Afghanistan – and its rogue special forces

OpinionMilitary Frank Ledwidge The probe into 80 alleged SAS killings heard evidence from Johnny Mercer and highlighted the urgent need for oversightTue 12 Mar 2024 13.00 GMTShare The Afghanistan inquiry is getting into gear at the Royal Courts of Justice. Led by the judge Charles Haddon-Cave, this public inquiry was convened to […]

Let Afghan Girls Learn

Dr. Fayeza F.Dr. Fayeza F. • #813 days passed since the hashtag#school banned for Afghan girls beyond sixth grade in hashtag#Afghanistan. Afghanistan is the only country in the world with restrictions on female hashtag#education. Its a gender inequality, male and female has the right of education equally. #letafghangirlslearn source linkedin… […]