Bloodletting and gas fumes: Quack treatments of the 1918 flu

The Muslim Times has the best collection of articles for the war against Covid 19, especially the vaccines. Suggested reading by the Muslim Times: Covid 19 is Not, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist

CNN: If the idea of drinking hand sanitizer, absorbing ultraviolet light and gargling salt water to prevent or treat Covid-19 sounds bizarre to you, know that this isn’t the first time humans have put themselves in dangerous situations to quell their fears.

In the face of threat by a new infectious disease, people become desperate, said Dr. Jeremy Brown, an emergency care physician and author of “Influenza: The Hundred-Year Hunt to Cure the Deadliest Disease in History.”
That desperation and a similar threat were what made people living during the 1918 flu pandemic — which killed 50 million to 100 million people worldwide — flock to dangerous quack treatments like moths to flames. That included doctors.

Although conventional doctors had just recently gained more respect than alternative practitioners by the early 20th century, mainstream doctors still “had almost nothing to offer” for the flu said Laura Spinney, a science journalist and author of “Pale Rider: The Spanish Flu of 1918 and How It Changed the World.”

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The best of the Muslim Times’ collection for war against Covid 19:

In this day and age, understanding bacteria and viruses and developing vaccines are national security issues. In my view sizable part of every country’s defense budget should be spent in these pursuits rather than making tanks and other weapons.

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For the latest news about drugs and vaccines’ trials please go to: Pharmaceutical-Technology

For the latest health news from BBC, Please click here

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The Muslim Times has the best collections in the war against Covid 19 as we are collecting from all the established sources

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Praise be to God for the Miracle of Our Immune System

USA: 15-minute coronavirus test is here

Does the Ordinary Soap Kill Coronavirus?

Here’s a list of disinfectants you can use against coronavirus

For the number of cases and epidemiology in each country go to: WorldOMeters


Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker – The New York Times

Categories: Health, Homeopathy

1 reply

  1. Is Homeopathy one such remedy for COVID-19.
    Any homeopath willing to take the challenge of producing evidence of their efficacy.
    I don’t see any of them making any claims when we are in the midst of the pandemic, but we will surely hear of tall (and false) claims once the pandemic is over. Any homeopath willing to take the challenge? Please no anecdotes, only scientific data.

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