City of Louisville Takes Unprecedented Measures Against Police Brutality and Racism


Every human life is precious and sacred and killing one is like triggering a genocide. (Al Quran 5:32/33)

Louisville has settled Breonna Taylor’s wrongful death lawsuit for $12 million

(CNN) The city of Louisville, Kentucky, has agreed to pay $12 million to the family of Breonna Taylor, the 26-year-old EMT killed by police six months ago, to settle a wrongful death lawsuit, family attorney Sam Aguilar confirmed to CNN.Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer is expected to announce the settlement later Tuesday in a joint press conference with the Taylor family’s attorneys.

Speaking to News Radio 840 WHAS on Tuesday morning, Fischer declined to comment on the settlement, saying, “I don’t have anything to announce on that at this time.”Taylor’s family sued the city after Louisville Metro Police officers broke down the door to Taylor’s apartment and fatally shot her while executing a late-night, “no-knock” warrant in a narcotics investigation on March 13.

A CNN review of the shooting found that police believed Taylor was home alone when she was in fact accompanied by her boyfriend, who was legally armed. That miscalculation, along with the decision to press forward with a high-risk, forced-entry raid under questionable circumstances, contributed to the deadly outcome.

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Suggested reading

Is Human Life Sacred: The Body and the Spirit?

To Refute the Hate-mongering of White Supremacists I visited Martin Luther King’s Memorial

Categories: Racism

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