Breaking News: Another Ahmadi Muslim shot dead in Peshawar, Pakistan

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Mairaj Ahmad


Dr. Zia H Shah, Chief Editor of the Muslim Times

Suggested reading by Zia H Shah MD, Chief Editor of the Muslim Times

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Would Pope Francis be willing to swap Cordoba Cathedral / Mosque with Hagia Sophia?

Are Religions Pluralistic or Myopic and Parochial?

Suggested Reading for non-sectarian Islam

The Muslim Times Finally Has the Recipe to Unite All Muslims

Non-Sectarian Islam: The Proportionate Faith

Hajj and Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood

A New Commentary of the Holy Quran Emphasizing Compassion, Justice and Human Rights Launched

Two Hundred Verses about Compassionate Living in the Quran

Forty Hadiths or Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad about Compassionate Living

We Will be Judged by Our Compassion and Deeds and Not Our Dogma

Hajj and Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Hajj: Inside Mecca Documentary by National Geographic

Hajj: The Best Symbol for Our Universal Brotherhood!

Collection of Ideas to Overcome Sectarian Divide Among the Muslims

Who Speaks for the Flesh and Blood 1.6 Billion Breathing Muslim Souls?

2 replies

  1. From the facebook of : Rizwan Allauddin
    A sad news – Honorable Meraj Ahmed Sahib of Jamat-e-Ahmadiyya Peshawar has been martyred this evening – He was 61 years old.
    Mukram Meraj Ahmed was very active and pious Ahmadi. He had a business of medicine for years. He used to shop for medicine in Degree Garden in busy business areas of Peshawar.
    For a long time he was facing intense opposition and most of the boys refused to work at his shop – (His other brother was also getting constant threats and propaganda on Facebook about his shop) Whose FIA was also completed) –

    When they closed the shop at 10 pm today, unknown people killed them by firing near the Plaza.
    This martyrdom is only in the enmity of Ahmadiyat…
    We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return

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