Why MuslimBunk is The App That Every Muslim Student Needs

In today’s times, finding roommates can be an extremely bothersome and time-consuming task and the ones who experience this problem first hand are college students. For the tens of thousands of Muslim students in particular who are searching for roommates that match their cultural and background values, this task becomes nearly impossible as they are forced to rely on conventional methods such as asking around in their own friend groups or relying on finding someone through social platforms like FaceBook. This is where

a completely free mobile solution, comes in.


Check out these websites !

Website: http://www.muslimbunk.com

App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/muslimbunk/id1482381762

Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.room.muslimbunk

Youtube MuslimBunk trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYAiL92f9x4

Editor’s Note:

The Muslim Times is not affiliated with this app. We bring it simply for your information.

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