Landmark cancer therapy wins Nobel prize


Nobel Prize started by Alfred Nobel.  “Whoever saves a life it will be as if he or she has saved the whole of humanity.” (Al Quran 5:32/33)

Source: BBC

Two scientists who discovered how to fight cancer using the body’s immune system have won the 2018 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine.

The work by James P Allison, from the US, and Tasuku Honjo, from Japan, has led to treatments for advanced, deadly skin cancer.

Immune checkpoint therapy has revolutionised cancer treatment, said the prize-giving Swedish Academy.

Experts say it has proved to be “strikingly effective”.

Allison, a professor at the University of Texas, and Honjo, a professor at Kyoto University, will share the Nobel prize sum of nine million Swedish kronor – about $1.01 million or 870,000 euros.

Accepting the prize, Tasuku Honjo told reporters: “I want to continue my research … so that this immune therapy will save more cancer patients than ever.”

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Two Hundred Verses about Compassionate Living in the Quran

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