Damage above 100’000 Swiss Francs (USD) – Fire in adjacent building of Nuur Mosque in Wigoltingen, Switzerland.

The fire is in the building on the right.   Nuur Mosque of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Switzerland    on the left.

Beim Brand eines Mehrzweckgebäudes neben einer Moschee im Weiler Häusern bei Bonau TG (Gemeinde Wigoltingen TG) entstand in der Nacht auf Montag Sachschaden von über 100'000 Franken.

during a fire at an adjacent building of a Mosque in Wigoltingen TG, Switzerland, damages occurred to the tune of more than 100’000 SFR.

In a multi-purpose building next to a Mosque in Banau, village of Wigoltingen, a fire broke out during the night to Monday. The fire brigade came with 100 fire fighters and put out the fire.

No body got hurt. The damage is above 100’000 Sfr. according to the Cantonal Police. The cause of the fire is not yet known. Experts are investigating and criminal technicians of the police are safeguarding all hints in order to find the cause of the fire. All possibilities are being explored.

Shortly before 2 am a neighbor notices smoke on top of the building and informed the emergency services. The fire brigade of Wigoltingen and Weinfelden turned up with 100 fire fighters. In order to find the center of the fire parts of the roof had to be demolished.

The road was closed to traffic during the working of the fire brigade. The fire object is a multi purpose building next to the mosque. The actual prayer room was not affected as it was not in the building that was on fire.




2 replies

    • When I was young one US dollar was 4.30 Swiss Francs. Now it is around one, sometimes some cents more and sometimes some cents less. One pound was 12.30 Swiss Francs, when I visited Great Britain for the first time, now it hovers around 2.30. Tourists could enjoy Switzerland when they got 4.30 for the dollar or 12.30 for the Pound. Now only Prince Charles can afford to go skiing in Klosters. And the Chinese tourists come ‘in a hurry’ and leave ‘in a hurry’. Ah, well, we still have some Arab tourists, until the right wing guys chase them away with burka bans …

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