Study finds alcohol use to be the biggest risk factor for dementia

addiction drunk-man-with-his-head-on-the-bar

The Muslim Times has the best collection of articles to overcome addictions and alcoholism. This information is what the victory of Islam looks like and not political victory and governance by any Muslim, however spiritual. I cannot think of any present day Muslim, who can govern better than PM Justin Trudeau

Source: Lancet

Courtesy: Bilal Aslam, Germany



Dementia is a prevalent condition, affecting 5–7% of people aged 60 years and older, and a leading cause of disability in people aged 60 years and older globally. We aimed to examine the association between alcohol use disorders and dementia risk, with an emphasis on early-onset dementia (<65 years).


We analysed a nationwide retrospective cohort of all adult (≥20 years) patients admitted to hospital in metropolitan France between 2008 and 2013. The primary exposure was alcohol use disorders and the main outcome was dementia, both defined by International Classification of Diseases, tenth revision discharge diagnosis codes. Characteristics of early-onset dementia were studied among prevalent cases in 2008–13. Associations of alcohol use disorders and other risk factors with dementia onset were analysed in multivariate Cox models among patients admitted to hospital in 2011–13 with no record of dementia in 2008–10.


Of 31 624 156 adults discharged from French hospitals between 2008 and 2013, 1 109 343 were diagnosed with dementia and were included in the analyses. Of the 57 353 (5·2%) cases of early-onset dementia, most were either alcohol-related by definition (22 338 [38·9%]) or had an additional diagnosis of alcohol use disorders (10 115 [17·6%]). Alcohol use disorders were the strongest modifiable risk factor for dementia onset, with an adjusted hazard ratio of 3·34 (95% CI 3·28–3·41) for women and 3·36 (3·31–3·41) for men. Alcohol use disorders remained associated with dementia onset for both sexes (adjusted hazard ratios >1·7) in sensitivity analyses on dementia case definition (including Alzheimer’s disease) or older study populations. Also, alcohol use disorders were significantly associated with all other risk factors for dementia onset (all p<0·0001).


Alcohol use disorders were a major risk factor for onset of all types of dementia, and especially early-onset dementia. Thus, screening for heavy drinking should be part of regular medical care, with intervention or treatment being offered when necessary. Additionally, other alcohol policies should be considered to reduce heavy drinking in the general population.

Read the whole article in a PDF file: Demetia and alcohol use

28 replies


    The general guidance in Islam or Guidance from God as follow;
    Definition of lawful ( Halal) and unlawful (Haram ) as Allah and Prophet Muhammad (saw) said in Holy Quran; Allows them as lawful what is good and prohibits them from what is bad. QS 7;157. ( It is very logical religion.)

    Health Department has authority to declare, what food / drink is good, not harm people health, and what food, drink are bad for people health.

    In 21th Century Islamic clerics do not has authority to declare it, because Clerics lack of knowledge about foods and drinks. Except at time of prophet Muhammad pbuh 1430 years ago, Clerics had authority to declare “haram or halal” of foods and drinks are not poison are eatable and drinkable— but we have to consume wisely or moderately

    So as long as you eat every foods / drink wisely and do not harm your health is HALAL or lawful
    If you eat or drink something that harm your health is HARAM or inlawful.

    Most Islamic clerics fear if Muslim will be addicted with alcohol etc.

    Progressive Muslim is different to other sect of Islam.
    All our❤️
    Please do not delate it!

    All ❤️

  2. There is no “drinking wisely,” as a result of those attempts almost 200 million in the world are suffering from alcoholism.

    If the whole of the global village accepts the strictest Islamic understanding about alcohol the world will be so much happier place.

    When we talk about Islam or any other religion or civilization we should talk about one issue at a time rather than trying to condemn or applaud the whole package, as we perceive it.

  3. Dear Zia. Thank you for your thought.
    What do you mean by accepting strictest Islamic understanding?
    Do you mean it become a law?
    Those who produse alcohol will get fine or Jail?
    Those who drink alcohol will get fine or Jail?

    200 million people in the wotld are suffering from alcoholism

    Conversely more 500 millions in the world who enjoy to drink alcohol specially who live in arctic countries.
    Do you want to take their right to drink alcohol?

    Saudi, Iran do not allow people to produse and to sell alcohol. Very very strictest in the world.
    Do you want secular country follow Saudi and Iran?

    What do you respond Zia

    • No one ever talk about banning alcohol. You are provoking again. ‘There is no compulsion in religion’. Even Somi can drink alcohol if he wants to. We are advising that is all. If anyone, including Somi, does not want to follow our advice that is up to him. Do not be scared: we are not promoting jail time for you.

      • Dear Zia. Thank you for your thought.
        What do you mean by accepting strictest Islamic understanding?

        All ❤️

  4. No just that alcohol use should be discouraged continuously at all levels and advertisement of alcohol should be prohibited or always come with several warnings, like we deal with smoking ads or ads of medications.

    • Zia— Islam is peaceful religion without syariah law like Saudi and Iran.

      Islamic teaching is a remider — not a law—I agree with you— just put a warning on Alcohol bottle— do not drink alcohol to much, you will be drunk — It is cool.

      But we cannot put a warning on meat pork— Zia!
      Million people eat meat pork are just fine—good health.

      All ❤️

  5. Yes don’t put any warnings on the pork, but, in the mean while cysticercosis is the commonest cause of epilepsy in the world.

    I do feel the pain of every patient in the human family.

    • Dear Zia— you are a Docter
      I would like to ask you

      The meat of pork—

      Which one is the most dangerous to human health?
      Which one is second dangerous to human health?
      Please tell me honestly


      • can we not close this discussion for a while? You got all our opinions several times already. What we eat has an effect on us. When my family sits around a table any one could tell who is a meat eater and who is a vegan. Or if you look at a Pashtun enjoying lamb kabab and a vegetarian Hindu you can recognize from a distance who is who. Therefore it is wrong to think that eating pork does not have any effect on those who do eat it. – Alcohol: what more do you need to know? Have we not shown you the dangers of addiction? – Somi: you are arguing for arguing’s sake and I on my part do not appreciate this kind of argument.

    • I recall a true story. In Germany we had a convert to Islam / Ahmadiyyat. (He was PhD in Mathematics and Managing Director of an Insurance Company, if I recall correctly). He converted in not so young age. He was married already and his wife did not convert. He told his wife that she should use separate utensils if she wants to eat pork. He caught her again and again mixing up the utensils. Finally he told Khalifatul Masih III (ra) ‘I think I will divorce her. She is not paying attention to me at all in this matter’. The Khalifa (ra) said: give her another chance. You have been married so long. Then the wife got ill (sorry, I do not know the prognosis). The doctor warned her not to eat any pork at all. Even once could have serious consequences! Such is Allah’s work ! Alhamdolillah. (They remained married).

  6. Somi, addition is the most dangerous to humans health. May it be drugs and may it be drugs or pork meat. Recently Scientific America has published new research about worms in the brain being caused by the consumption of too much pork meat but most people who eat pork say that it’s so good that how do you eat it moderately. Meat is after all meat right. Pig is the only animal who devours it’s own live fetus and allows only 4 hours for its body to digest food where a cow regurgitates between it’s four stomachs and digests in 24 hours. Which kills all sorts of worms and bacteria that can be transferred. Try it at home. Take some pork meat put it in a tray, pour some coke on it and leave it in room temperature for two hours. The sugar and carbon from the coke will provide food for the worms in pork meat to grow and they that crawl to the surface and become visible to the naked eye. And then you can eat pork in moderation with your family, no pressure.

  7. I agree with Riffat. She has a point. I believe when Islam has told us about something haram like pork or alcohol, it is haram in any form or any quantity. Then there is no question of having it less or more. Every haram thing has its bad consequences. May Allah guide all muslims to the right path.

  8. Alcohol, tobacco and drugs are all addictive and potentially harmful (note the similarity haram/harm), although both alcohol and drugs are used in medicine and for health benefits, in fact a glass of wine is recommended for certain conditions. It is ironic that so many Saudis when they visit non-Muslim countries are known to indulge in alcohol, very hypocritical.

    So far as pigs are concerned, there are many taboos surrounding the eating of pork, and the poor animals have been much maligned by both Jews and Muslims, although there are Jews who do eat pork. They are intelligent creatures, and have been farmed for meat for thousands of years in many parts of the world, without adverse effects.

    For my part, I don’t believe in cruelty towards and the needless killing of any animals, although there might be circumstances where it becomes a matter of survival. But where there is edible vegetation that should not be necessary. Because we are becoming more aware, vegetarianism and veganism are becoming ever more popular. That’s the way to go.

  9. DEAR ZIA…
    The general guidance in Islam or Guidance from God as follow;
    Definition of lawful ( Halal) and unlawful (Haram ) as Allah and Prophet Muhammad (saw) said in Holy Quran; Allows them as lawful what is good and prohibits them from what is bad. QS 7;157. ( It is very logical religion.) Those who follow this God law will be in the right path.

    What you eat will effect your health—every one has different food will effect your health badly, that food is haram— but the sama food will not effect to others, it is halal.

    Islamic teaching is logic and reasonable— only clerics eho lack of knowledge make Islam is not a religion of logic but a religion of dogmatic or it does not make sense.

    Unforunately Dr Zia is not be able to answer my question.
    This is my thought

    Tabaco or cigaratte is the most dangerous one compared to Pork meat and alcohol. Thousand people die every day caused of cigaratte
    Unfortunately the extremist clerics say that cigaratte is not written in Al Quran, so as long as God never forbid it so cigaratte is lawful thing. Whereas health experts of government already said that cigaratte is dangerous for human health. Which one you believe??

    Alcohol is the second dangerous one, thousand people became addicted, but less dangerous to Cigaratte and pork meat

    At the time of prophet the meat pork was dangerous because pig or Pork were not healthy . In 21th century, the pork must be healthy before slaughtering. So the meat of pork will be guaranteed eatable and will not harm prople’s health. That is why million people eat pork meat are fine and healthy.

    • dear readers of The Muslim Times? Should we close this debate now for a while? I think all sides have been given time and space to voice their views.

      • Please Rafiq— do not limit people to discuss a issue—
        Let readers decide it—they will stop by himself because nothing to say.
        This is my thought

    • Somi, addiction is the most dangerous to humans health. May it be drugs and may it be drugs or pork meat. Recently Scientific America has published new research about worms in the brain being caused by the consumption of too much pork meat but most people who eat pork say that it’s so good that how do you eat it moderately. Meat is after all meat right. Pig is the only animal who devours it’s own live fetus and allows only 4 hours for its body to digest food where a cow regurgitates between it’s four stomachs and digests in 24 hours. Which kills all sorts of worms and bacteria that can be transferred. Try it at home. Take some pork meat put it in a tray, pour some coke on it and leave it in room temperature for two hours. The sugar and carbon from the coke will provide food for the worms in pork meat to grow and they that crawl to the surface and become visible to the naked eye. And then you can eat pork in moderation with your family, no pressure.

  10. Riffat Adnan. I forgot to mention your reference to Coke’s effect on pork. It has also been proven that Coke is harmful to the human body, especially teeth. So the culprit is Coke, rather than pork.

    • What about the maggots that surfaced from pork meat? What do you do with them? Should you feed them to your son and daughter?

      • Riffat— the true fact is God never say that Alcohol and Pork are poison but God say that both are eatable and drinkable, cook mest pork rightly will be fine annd drink alcohol wisely you will be fine— the health expert say the same, dont eat pork to much and dont drink alcohol to much— what ever food that harm your health is unlawful— haram— is it simple!

      • Riffat gave you a clear answer. Now, please save us from further ‘Somi explanations’. If you choose not to understand Riffat’s clear explanations it is up to you. The rest of us like to follow what Riffat so clearly spelled out.

  11. “Alcohol and pork is harmful for someone’s health”
    If those people who are not agree with the above statement after so many research and statements of doctors what we can say about them?…. Sorry to say they want to keep their eyes close and want to fulfill their inner self desires…..maybe they need more time to understand or they can see more harmful consequences in future.

    But all I know that at last word of God will be proven true ……debates,arguing criticism….all useless

  12. For my part, I don’t consume either alcohol or meat of any kind! I don’t believe in the needless killing of animals. I have a more Buddhist perspective on killing.

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