Judge probes at intent behind latest travel ban during key federal court hearing

Source: The Washington Post

 October 16
A federal judge on Monday launched skeptical questions at both government lawyers and those challenging the latest iteration of President Trump’s travel ban — probing at what government officials’ intent was in barring various types of people from eight countries from coming to the United States.

At a hearing in federal court in Greenbelt, Md., U.S. District Judge Theodore D. Chuang asked government lawyers about the extent of Trump’s involvement in coming up with the latest ban and what those opposed to the measure felt the president could do so it would pass legal muster.

“This isn’t something the president came up with on his own, correct?” Chuang asked at one point during the proceedings.

The hearing marked one of the last opportunities for challengers of the newest ban to make their case that the judiciary should block the measure before it fully goes into effect Oct. 18. The challenge was brought by advocacy groups including the International Refugee Assistance Project and Muslims who say they will be negatively affected by the ban.

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