Repeal Blasphemy Laws as Ahmadiyya and other suffer!

Source: The Daily Caller

“The Ahmadiyya Muslim community and other religious minorities, including Shia Muslims, Christians and Hindus, suffer a denial of religious freedom at the hands of the state, compounded by harassment, violence and persecution from extremists,” McDonagh said. McDonagh claimed that Pakistan’s current hostile stance toward religious minorities contrasted with the original vision of a Pakistan “united, open and free, where religious freedom” is preserved for all. British rulers first imposed blasphemy laws on Pakistan in 1860, when the country was still part of India, according to the BBC. Britain expanded the laws in 1927 and Pakistan kept and further expanded them after the country violently separated from India in 1947. The British MPs’ attempt to assert political pressure on Pakistan on the anniversary of Pakistani independence came weeks after the United Nations addressed Pakistan’s blasphemy laws more directly. The U.N. ordered Pakistanto begin repealing or amending its blasphemy laws within a year by June 27, 2018– a one-year timeline. The U.N. stipulated that Pakistan must:


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