Another law to curb extremism

Source: Dawn

UPDATING and strengthening laws dealing with religiously motivated crimes, especially sectarianism and violence against non-Muslims, is a sensible and necessary move by the government. The Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2016, is set to become an Act of Parliament after the National Assembly once again voted to approve the bill, this time for a version incorporating several changes recommended by the Senate. While a number of laws are affected, the core principles of the update are apparent: increase fines and jail sentences to make them more of a deterrent where the previous punishments may have become too weak; introduce specific language to target sectarian crimes and those against non-Muslims; and strengthen the police regime by requiring law enforcement to act against sectarian crimes and by enhancing the possible punishment of police officers who wilfully disregard or are negligent about their duties. The changes do suggest a stronger regime has been put in place against sectarianism and crimes against non-Muslims, too.


Categories: Asia, Pakistan

1 reply

  1. Laws stay only on papers unless implemented in letter and spirit. Absolute justice and fair treatment for all is key to success. Though easy to say but difficult to implement. Very rightly pointed out in article the law is welcome but who will ensure its implementation?

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