Islam never judges a person by its skin color. By Mehr Gul Age 14

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Community Contributor chicagonwnasirat

Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of creating a racism-free America has since challenged racial inequality in various ways. But even before the advent of Dr. King, Prophet Muhammad of Islam (peace and blessings be on him) challenged racism in the world 1,400 years ago. In his time, racism and slavery were rampant in most early civilizations. But until his very last breath, the Prophet Muhammad discouraged any form of racism to creep into Islam. In his farewell sermon, he said, “God has made you brethren one to another, so be not divided. An Arab has no preference over a non-Arab or a non-Arab over an Arab; nor is a white one to be preferred to a dark one, nor a dark one to a white one.”

Islam never judges a person by its skin color. In fact the message of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is “LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE.”

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