Discrimination against Ahmadis: Institutionalizing hate in the name of love

The Nation: The recent hateful protests by business owners demanding Ahmadi citizens to wear identification publicly have been a real eye-opener to anyone oblivious to intolerance in the Pakistani society. The protest was directed against Punjab police for removing hateful and derogatory signs from a shop warning Ahmadis to refrain from entering.

It is inconceivable to deduct that these people are calling for such measures out of sheer hate for humanity. It is clear that their hateful rhetoric is fueled by religious fervor. For the majority of Muslim citizens, these traders are only playing their due to defend the finality of the Prophethood and are doing so in the name of the love for the Prophet. The only problem is that such love has created a serious civil rights crisis.

For those who are not aware, the government of Pakistan already requires its Muslim citizens to sign a declaration of not being an Ahmadi for the National ID card registration. Furthermore, the Second Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan is also dedicated to declaring the religious sect or group non-Muslim.

The demand for Ahmadis to wear identification, which has been widely compared to the yellow Juden badge in the Nazi Germany by critics, would take the institutionalization of discrimination against them to the next level. Calls for such apartheid measures should be a great concern for anyone who is worried about the state of freedom and civil liberties in Pakistan. This should also be a great concern to people who claim that an Islamic society offers perfect protection to religious minorities.


1 reply

  1. From my view, only liberal Muslims and Christians are willing to protect the right of religous minorities or protect the right of gay-lebian etc.

    Does Muslim Ahmadiyah agree to Predent Obama policy to protect the right of minority of gay-lesbian in America—(Homosexual).

    The main problem in Muslim community is that conservative ideology ( Muslim n non Muslim) are not tolerance with different faith.

    Was Salam
    With love

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