Google’s next data collection project: Human body

Baseline Study to Try to Create Picture From the Project’s Findings

Google’s research arm is planning an initial study of 175 people to collect anonymous health data from biological samples like blood and saliva in the process of creating individual genome databases that could eventually help fend off illness or disease.
For Google’s Baseline Study, researchers will track one’s genetic history, metabolic processes, and other aspects of an individual’s body in efforts to create a baseline health standard.

google gene
The study will be run by molecular biologist Andrew Conrad, a pioneer in “cheap, high-volume tests for HIV in blood-plasma donations,” according to the Wall Street Journal. Conrad joined Google X, the tech giant’s research division, and built a team of experts in physiology, biochemistry, optics, imaging, and molecular biology, among other fields, for Baseline. They hope to use the data to detect conditions such as heart disease and bend medicine toward prevention rather than treatment of an illness.


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