Morocco benefits from being stable in a combustible region

January 30, 2014 12:22 AM
By Assia Bensalah Alaoui
The Daily Star

Story Summary

Morocco is an ideal setting for regional diplomacy. Its strategy of gradual reform, economic modernization, and social development has made the country an oasis of stability in a region rife with violence and strategic rivalries – and thus a reliable partner for Europe and the United States as they seek to influence events in North Africa and across the Middle East.

Indeed, Morocco can be proud of its export strategy. Despite the weak global economy, Morocco sells its goods worldwide, with strong exports to France, the U.S., Brazil, the Gulf states and China.

Clearly, Morocco is benefiting from being a stable country in a combustible region. But its longer-term interests lie in having politically stable neighbors that embrace similar economic reforms, thereby opening the way for a free-trade area that would benefit the entire region.

Morocco is a loyal and longstanding U.S. ally. The West would do well to start cultivating a natural partner in such a dangerous and complex region.

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(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::

Categories: Africa, Economics, Morocco, Morocco

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