Hearts of peace

Calgary Herald: by Salman Khan.

It has become more and more apparent why the true and peaceful teachings of Islam need to be spread, because it is Muslims themselves who need reformation, not Islam.

Re: “Soldier-killing suspect linked to al-Qaeda ally,” May 27, and “Tenth suspect arrested in terrorist murder probe,” May 28.

A couple of weeks ago, a new mosque opened in Vancouver. I was fortunate enough, along with hundreds of other Muslims, to travel to the event, joining more than 3,500 people from various backgrounds.

For three days, the spiritual head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Mirza Masroor Ahmad – who came from Britain to inaugurate this mosque, along with several high-ranking federal and provincial officials – stressed the need for peace and how to promote it and how this mosque can serve this purpose.

That’s why I found it so sad, when only a few days later, we learned of the heartless murder and butchering of a British soldier on the streets of London by two men. Heartbreaking to say the least; it was shocking. How could anybody do this, let alone someone claiming he did it for his Muslim faith?

It has become more and more apparent why the true and peaceful teachings of Islam need to be spread, because it is Muslims themselves who need reformation, not Islam.

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