Faith and technology: Divine Grace to help trend “Promised Messiah” on Twitter

Ahmadiyya Times: Imran Jattala: When God Almighty wrote the attribute Malik-e Youm-ud Din (مالک یوم الدین) [Lord of the Day of Judgment] for Himself in the opening chapter of the Holy Qur’ān, the Muslim Holy book, He certainly wasn’t kidding – we have learned repeatedly.

The nearly 14 billion years of the universe’s history stands witness that every turn of time, every day of reckoning, every hour of decision, every moment of judgment all have – always – belonged to God, and  God alone.

For few young techie-types, this past March 23rd again stands as a testament to God’s ultimate lordship over the ‘hour of decision’ as they continue to marvel in their own failure – seriously.

Let me explain.

This past March 23rd was the 123rd anniversary of the founding of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community by Hadhrat Mirzā Ghulām Ahmad of Qādiān, India, who claimed to be the Promised Messiah – the so-called  ‘Second Coming’ of Christ as awaited by billions – especially among Muslims and Christians worldwide.


1 reply

  1. Just a very personal view:

    In the olden days we used to visit a library and take out a (whole!) book and read it.

    Then we had a PC and ‘googled’ for a short story.

    And now we have TWITTER and read only one sentence.

    Sorry, but I am not really all that much impressed.

    Is it my age? May be, may be not…

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