Ansar Raza
In all world languages, the term used to express a person’s movement from one place to another is different from the term used to express the movement back from the second place to the first.
If a person moves from point A to point B, he is said to go from the first to the second place. However, after reaching point B and going back to A, the person is not considered to be going to the first place but returning back to it. In the same way, in Arabic language, going from one place to another is called Nuzool نزول, while returning from second point to the first one is called Ruj`uرجوع .
It is believed that Hadhrat Isaas ascended to the heavens and will descend to earth in latter days. According to the above mentioned linguistic rule, the coming back of Hadhrat Isaas from the heavens to the earth should have been expressed in English as “Return” and in the Arabic as “رجوع”. On the contrary, in the Ahadith, wherever his coming in the latter-days is mentioned, the word “Nuzul نزول” has been used instead of the word “Ruj`u رجوع ”.
However, one should keep in mind that according to non-Ahmadi belief, he is not merely coming from the heavens to the earth but “coming back” as he, supposedly, ascended from earth to the heavens.
Innumerable examples from many languages can be cited in support of this rule that coming back to the point of origin of moving is called ‘return رجوع’. An example of the same nature from Islamic literature proves this rule, not only linguistically but also provides scriptural authenticity.
It is evident from the following statement of Hadhrat Umarra, more specifically the word he is using at the time of the demise of the Holy Prophetsa, that the word used for returning is Ruj`u and not Nuzool. In this statement Hadhrat Umarra is not saying that the Holy Prophetsa shall come (or descend) after meeting his Lord, like Hadhrat Musaas. He is saying is that the Holy Prophetsa shall ‘return’ as Hadhrat Musaas returned.
’’ان رجالا من المنافقین یزعمون أن رسول اللّٰہ ﷺ قد توفي، و ان رسول اللّٰہ ما مات، ولکنہ ذھب الی ربہ کما ذھب موسی بن عمران، فقد غاب عن قومہ أربعین لیلۃ، ثم رجع الیھم بعد أن قیل مات، وواللّٰہ لیرجعن رسول اللّٰہ ﷺ کما رجع موسی، فلیقطعن أیدي رجال و أرجلھم زعموا أن رسول اللّٰہ ﷺ مات۔‘‘(السیرۃ النبویۃ لأبن أسحٰق جلد 1-2، ص۔713، السیرۃ النبویہ لأبن ہشّام جلد۔ 4، ص۔306)
Some men from amongst the hypocrites are saying that the Holy Prophetsa has died. Indeed, he has not died but has gone to his Lord as Musaas son of Imran went, and he remained absent from his people for forty days. Then he returned and then died. By God, the Holy Prophetsa shall surely return as Musaas returned and cut the hands and feet of those who say that he has died.
Allah says in the Holy Qur`an: “See how We expound the Signs in various ways that they may understand!” (6:66). In the similar manner the Promised Messiahas has explained in detail the issue of death of Jesusas in various ways so that people may understand. One of those ways used by the Promised Messiahas is the above mentioned language rule that the word used for a returning person is different from that which is used for a person who is coming or going.
“The word used for the coming of the Messiah is ‘Nuzool’ and not ‘Ruj`u’. First of all, the word used for a returning person is ‘Ruj`u’ and this word has never been used for Hadhrat Isaas. Secondly, ‘Nuzool’ does not mean coming from the heavens. A traveler is called ‘Nazeel’. (Malfuzat – Vol-1, P-5 Printed on August 20, 1960).
At another place the Promised Messiahas writes:
’’أتظنون أنَّ المسیح ابن مریم سیرجع الی الأرض مِن السّماء؟ ولا تجدون لفظ الرجوع فی کَلِمِ سیّد الرسل و أفضل الأنبیاء۔ أَ أُلْھِمْتم بھذا أو تنحِتون لفظ الرجوع مِن عند أنفسِکم کَالخَائینین؟ وَمِنَ الْمَعلُوم أن ھٰذا ھُو اللفظ الخَاص الذی یُستعمل لرَجُل یأتی بَعْد الذَّھاب۔ و یتوجّہ السَّفر الی الایاب، فھذا أبعدُ مِن أبلَغِ الْخَلقِ و امام الأنبیاء أن یترک ھٰھنا لفظ الرجوع و یَسْتَعْمل لفظ النزول ولا یتکلم کالفصحاء والبلغاء‘‘(مکتوب احمد، روحانی خزائن جلد۔11، ص۔150, 151)
“Do you imagine that the Messiahas son of Mary shall return from the heavens to the earth? Whereas the word ‘return’ is not found in the statement of the Mastersa of all the Messengers and the Bestsa of all the Prophets. Have you received the revelation about it or fabricated it yourself like dishonest people? It should be known that this word is particularly used for that person who comes back from a journey. It is, therefore, inconceivable from the most eloquent of all and the Leadersa of all the Prophets that he forsake the word ‘Ruj`u’ and use the word ‘Nuzool’ and does not talk like eloquent and learned people. (R.K. Vol-11 P: 150, 151)
Along with many references from Quran, Hadith, and the writings of previous and modern eminent scholars, this linguistic perspective shows that Hadhrat Isaas is not coming back to this earth again. Had it been so, the word ‘Ruj`u’ must have been used for him instead of ‘Nuzool’.

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