Mum was right about good posture!

Source: TOI

Mum was right about good posture!
Your mum was right: Good posture actually makes you strong (Thinkstock photos/Getty images)

Have you ever thought why your mother always told you to ‘stop slouching and sit up straight’? She knows that poor posture not only makes a bad first impression, but can also make you physically weaker, according to a new research.

Scott Wiltermuth, assistant professor of management organization at the USC Marshall School of Business, and Vanessa K. Bohns, postdoctoral fellow at the J.L. Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto said found that people who slouched when sitting or standing had an increased sensitivity to pain.

They found that by simply adopting more dominant poses, people feel more powerful, in control and able to tolerate more distress.

Out of the individuals studied, those who used the most dominant posture were able to comfortably handle more pain than those assigned a more neutral or submissive stance.


Categories: Alternate Medicine

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