France 24 TV: The most striking videos of 2011

The first video is the murder of Ahmadis in Indonesia in February 2011.

It is very sad that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has to be among these sad videos.

see here

3 replies

  1. Separation of Mosque-Church and State is a pressing need in every country of our global village and yes it includes Separation of Synagogue and State in Israel and Separation of Temple and State in India!

  2. So says the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani

    I want to make it clear to Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and Aryas, that I have no enemy. I love all men as a merciful mother loves her children. Nay more. I am enemy only of false beliefs, beliefs subversive of truth. To sympathize with all humans is my duty and to preach against falsehood, disloyalty to God, tyranny, evil conduct, injustice, immorality is my mission.

    My motive for this height of sympathy is that I have discovered a gold mine, have had access to an unlimited supply of precious stones. In the mine I have found a bright and priceless jewel. So priceless that if I divide it between all of my fellow men, every one of them will become richer than the richest among them in gold and silver. What is this jewel? It is the true God. To reach Him is to know Him, to become really aware of Him, to have true faith in Him, to be united with Him in true love. To receive true blessings from Him in return. Having found such a priceless treasure it will be cruel on my part if I let not my fellow-men know about it. Could I let them go hungry while I have plenty. No, it will not be so, while I can help. My heart burns over their want and hunger. My soul becomes depressed over their dark and straitened existence. I want to see their homes filled with riches divine. I want to see them full with faith and truth. Full to capacity.

    (Arbain No. 1, pg. 2-3)

  3. A Message of Peace
    Paigham-e-Sulh (A Message of Peace) is the last written work of the Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. It was completed on May 25, 1908—just a day before his demise. The citizens of Lahore, present day Pakistan, were the primary audience for this address; however, its subject matter is in no way confined to them alone and is of vital importance to the entire population of the world. The general principles laid down in the work are applicable to all countries which host multiple religions.
    The Messiah passed away on May 26, 1908. The address was read out on his behalf at a conference held on June 21, 1908 at the Punjab University, Lahore for which it was intended. The book lays down the principles of human compassion and religious tolerance. He wrote in this booklet:

    A religion which does not inculcate universal compassion is no religion at all. Similarly, a human being without the faculty of compassion is no human at all. Our God has never discriminated between one people and another. This is illustrated by the fact that all the potentials and capabilities which have been granted to the Aryans have also been granted to the races inhabiting Arabia, Persia, Syria, China, Japan, Europe and America. The earth created by God provides a common floor for all people alike, and His sun and moon and many stars are a source of radiance and provide many other benefits to all alike. Likewise, all peoples benefit from the elements created by Him, such as air, water, fire and earth, and similarly from other products created by Him like grain, fruit, and healing agents, etc. These attributes of God teach us the lesson that we, too, should behave magnanimously and kindly towards our fellow human beings and should not be petty of heart and illiberal.

    To read the booklet go to:

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