The Holy Quran and the Holy Bible

The Bible is not a comprehensive book.  It does not even contain some of the very basic words in Christianity.  For example on a quick research on a Bible website, I noted that the words, the Bible, Trinity, Original sin, Christianity or Limbo do not exist in the text.[1]
It does not contain the word ‘Bible’ because the Bible actually did not exist when the gospels were written and they were not meant to be put in a volume with other gospels.  In contrast to this the Holy Quran repeatedly describes monotheism, Quran, Muslim, and Islam.
According to Encyclopedia Britannica, as it describes the Biblical literature:
The Hebrew Bible is as basic to Christianity as it is to Judaism. Without the Old Testament, the New Testament could not have been written and there could have been no man like Jesus; Christianity could not have been what it became. This has to do with cultural values, basic human values, as much as with religious beliefs. The Genesis stories of prehistoric events and people are a conspicuous example. The Hebrew myths of creation have superseded the racial mythologies of Latin, Germanic, Slavonic, and all other Western peoples. This is not because they contain historically factual information or scientifically adequate accounts of the universe, the beginning of life, or any other subject of knowledge, but because they furnish a profoundly theological interpretation of the universe and human existence, an intellectual framework of reality large enough to make room for developing philosophies and sciences.

The Bible is the literature of faith, not of scientific observation or historical demonstration. God’s existence as a speculative problem has no interest for the biblical writers. What is problematical for them is the human condition and destiny before God.
The great biblical themes are about God, his revealed works of creation, provision, judgment, deliverance, his covenant, and his promises. The Bible sees what happens to mankind in the light of God’s nature, righteousness, faithfulness, mercy, and love. The major themes about mankind relate to man’s rebellion, his estrangement and perversion. Man’s redemption, forgiveness, reconciliation, the gifts of grace, the new life, the coming kingdom, and the final consummation of man’s hope are all viewed as the gracious works of God.[2]
The Holy Quran was being writen in the life time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him and was put in a book form within 1-2 years of his death.[3]  In contrast to this the gospel of John was not written until 100 AD.  Whereas the Encyclopedia Britannica claims about the Old Testament, ‘This is not because they contain historically factual information or scientifically adequate accounts of the universe,’ no such limitation exists in the Holy Quran.  The Quran was revealed in a seventh century tribal society yet it has 800 verses stressing the study of nature.[4][5]

Categories: CHRISTIANITY, Islam, Religion

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8 replies

  1. Very little from Apostles other than Paul
    Have you ever wondered, why the word of God, the New Testament had to bank so much on the testimony of one Apostle, namely Paul, for 13 of the 27 books are attributed to him?

    Where is the testimony of Mother Mary, who carried Jesus in her womb for 9 months and lived with him at least for 30-33 years?

  2. Al Islam eGazette July 2009 – The Bible, The Quran and Science
    This volume has several articles on co-relation of religion and science. The Holy Quran says:

    Ask them, ‘Have you considered, if this Quran is from Allah but you disbelieve in it — who is more astray than one who has drifted away from the Truth?’ Soon We will show them Our Signs in the universe and also among their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that the Quran is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord is Witness over all things? Hearken, they are surely in doubt concerning the meeting with their Lord. Hearken, He certainly encompasses all things. (Al Quran 41:53-55)

  3. The Holy Quran as the Miracle of the Holy Prophet

    This is a short article to introduce the subject to fellow Christians. The Holy Quran says about them:

    And thou shalt assuredly find those who say, ‘We are Christians,’ to be the nearest of them in love to the believers. That is because amongst them are savants and monks and because they are not proud.
    (Al Quran 5:83)

    The article by me was originally published in Spring 2010 volume of Muslim Sunrise and is reproduced here:

  4. Rev. Elwood Morris Wherry acknowledging the beauty of Unity of God in Islam
    Rev. Elwood Morris Wherry (1843- 1927) was an American Presbyterian missionary to India who wrote a number of books and was a famous Christian apologist and Orientalist in his time. He wrote:

    A few passages, like the oases in the deserts of Arabia, stand out as truly beautiful both in their setting and in their thought. Take the first chapter, the Fatihat:

    ‘In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of all the worlds! The compassionate, the merciful! King on the Day of Judgment! Thee do we worship, and to thee do we cry for help! Guide then us in the right way! The path of those to whom thou art gracious! Not of those with whom thou art angered, nor of those who go astray.’

    The celebrated throne verse in Chap. II., 255, is as follows: ‘God! there is no God but he; the living, the self-subsisting: neither slumber nor sleep seizeth him; to him belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth. Who is he that can intercede with him, but through his good pleasure? He knoweth that which is past, and that which is to come unto them, and they shall not comprehend anything of his knowledge, but so far as he pleaseth. His throne is extended over heaven and earth, and the preservation of both is no burden unto him. He is high, the Mighty.’

    The question is often asked why a book of such singular composition should hold such sway over the millions of the Moslem world. In reply two reasons may be given: first, the beautiful rhythm, and often sweet cadences of the original language, which like some enchanting song hold multitudes with rapt attention who understand scarcely a word they hear; secondly, there is a vast amount of truth contained in the book, especially the truth of the divine unity and of man’s dependence upon God, as seen in the throne verse just now quoted.

    Islam and Christianity in India and the Far East By Elwood Morris Wherry. Fleming H Revell Company, 1907. Page 25-26.

  5. please tell me what do you believe to be the true religion. I have taken the shahaada and still confused if it be of allahs will why am I confused

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